Best ways to to Increase Your Online Presence

Best ways to to Increase Your Online Presence

Best ways to to Increase Your Online Presence :

The Internet has recently witnessed a great E-commerce evolution, and the competition has become very intense among many online stores in various fields. 

Statistics indicate that about 62% of consumers worldwide prefer online shopping, as the total E-commerce retail sales for the first quarter of 2019 were estimated at 130 billion USD. 

Certainly, after the Corona pandemic crisis, the need for online shopping has widely increased, as it is easier and safer, e-commerce sales also jumped very significantly, and it is expected to reach 4,878 billion USD in 2021, which is an increase of almost 743 billion USD.

These statistics prove that online shopping has become the largest trading platform among internet users to get their needs.

So if you have your own brand or want to resell products from suppliers and merchants an online store will help you market those products to a large audience segment, in order to create more potential customers. then you need to start working with some strategies to enhance your online store presence. 


1 – Be active on social medis platforms : 

One of the most important steps to marketing your online store is to ensure constant interaction on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc . as you will find on these platforms the largest audience base.

Attractive marketing content and formatted images for the products on social media definitely mean more potential consumers to your e-commerce business. 


2 – Focus where your customers are on the internet  : 

It is also important to determine what exactly your customers use. For example, if most of the targeted consumers are on Instagram, then all your efforts should be devoted to advertising there, and not on any other platform that their users mightn’t be interested in your products.


3 – Use attractive content and constantly develop it . 

Content builds your relationship with your targeted audience. as it presents what you offer and it has to build a trusted relationship between you and them .

So If your content is sufficiently attractive, it will succeed in building that trusted relationship and urge the customer to start the purchase process, which is known in digital marketing as Call To Action (CTA) . 

Also, this content must be constantly developed to cope with the field evolving and what is new. 


4 – Coordinate simple and attractive colors and images :

No doubt that when browsing any website, the first thing that grabs your attention is the colors used in this website. That’s why it is necessary to focus on color coordination. In the end, you need your customers to browse the website or E-store for as long as possible. so, attractive colors related to the products you offer would be a great choice.


5 – Perform SEO with the latest updates :

One of the most important methods to boost your website appearance in search results. 

Of course, as an owner of an E-store, you care about your site’s appearance in the first of the search results, so you must follow the SEO standards and implement them perfectly to achieve great results.

SEO optimization is related to the content, so it is important to include the common keywords used by the targeted audience in your content, and Google Trends will help you find those keywords.

There are many other standers that must be considered such as website programming, internal and external links, and others.


6 – Dealing with influencers in your field on social media .

Because social platforms have become the largest for giving feedback, many who are interested in a particular field have turned to support this field’s pioneers, because there is a large base of followers on social media. For example, if you work in selling household appliances, you must search for influencers in your field and send them samples to try, then promote the products on their pages, and this is a very good step to gain more customers to know your business . 


7 – Create an E-mail list : 

The first step to gaining trust in your brand is to follow up with your current and potential customers is to create an email list with your store name.

create a newsletter, and add a subscription link on the e-store’s first page. 


8 – Follow your competitors : 

In any business field, it is necessary to constantly follow up with your competitors in the same field to keep up with everything new, especially since the e-commerce field is rapidly evolving daily, which requires you to be up to date .

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